This is an official Grand Lodge Communication
(See Digest §23-1.1 [40])
TO: Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, Honorary Past Grand Masters, Committee Members, D.D.G.L.’s, Ten Year D.D.G.L.’s, and Subordinate Lodge Secretaries:
Dear Brethren:
Our Most Worshipful Grand Master, Stephen E. Yon, would like to cordially invite all Masons to attend the 206th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge to be held at the Sheraton Flowood Refuge Hotel, located 2200 Refuge Blvd, Flowood, Mississippi on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MARCH 7, 8, & 9, 2023.
Group names: 2024 Grand Lodge of MS Annual State Conference
Group Code: G24
Rate: $169.00
Start Date: March 6, 2024
End Date: March 8, 2024
Last Day to Book Room: February 17, 2024, or once the block is full.
Book by Website: at Book your group rate for Grand Lodge of MS 2024 Annual State Conference
Book by Phone: 601 936-4550
Our Grand Master cordially invites all Masons and their wives to attend the Grand Master’s Banquet on Thursday evening, March 7, 2024, at the Sheraton beginning at 7:00 P.M.
Attire is formal. Men: tuxedo or dark suit if no tuxedo is available. Women: long dress or palazzo pants and party wear festive blouse.
The dress requested for the ladies’ luncon on Friday, March 8, 2024 is church attire. Also, please bring a bingo gift valued between $12.00 and $15.00.
Tickets are required. You may order tickets using the enclosed forms (make copies if you or your lodge needs additional copies). Please order and pay for tickets in advance from the Grand Lodge Office, and you can pick them up at the Grand Lodge Registration Desk on Thursday, March 7th. The Deadline to purchase banquet tickets is February 27, 2024.
- Make plans to attend the Secretaries Conference at 3:00 PM on Thursday, March 7, 2024. This is a very important and informative meeting for ALL Lodge Secretaries, new and long-served, young and old. There is no registration, just show up!
- Every Lodge MUST file a 990-N E-Postcard with the IRS every year, no exceptions, or you WILL be hearing from the IRS. The deadline for electronically filing the 990-N is MAY 15, 2020. Be SURE you have remitted for 2020. Email me at and I can forward you information on how to complete this.
- If you have not mailed in your 2023 Per Capita Dues to the Grand Lodge Office, this is the last reminder you will receive. They are due on January 10, 2024. If your Lodge Per Capita Dues are NOT paid by the Grand Lodge Annual Communication Meeting, your Lodge will NOT be able to vote.
- If you have not done so, enter your Elections in Grand View. Remember you must also INSTALL the officers in Grand View once you hold your installation meeting. If you do not have internet access, have a member who does enter this information. If you most, send in the paper Special Return. You will need to let the office know when they are installed.
COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Please start preparing, and be ready to present, your Committee Report at Grand Lodge by having your report already printed when you come to Grand Lodge. Send your Committee Report, typed, in Word format, via email to, as soon as possible and we will be able to copy it directly into the2024 Grand Master’s Address Booklet and the 2024 Grand Lodge Proceedings book. Each Committee Chairman will be receiving individual emails regarding their Report soon.
SCHOLARSHIPS: The deadline for submitting 1-year Scholarship Applications is March 15, 2024. No faxed copies accepted. No exceptions! Any applications received after March 15, 2024, will not be considered.
Per our By-Laws, the Annual Meeting of the members of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi Foundation will be held during the 206th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, F. &. A. M.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Gary B. Jones
Grand Secretary
The following information was left out of the Official Communication of December 12. There will be two (2) menu choices for the Grand Master’s Banquet. You may choose Seared Filet Mignon or Grilled Vegetable Stack.
On the back of the Banquet Reservation form please indicate which offering prefer. If you are ordering more than one plate, indicate the offering for each person. If you have already mailed in your form, please call, or email the office with your selections.