Senior Grand Deacon
In years past, being a Mason had a connotation of being someone honest and of the highest moral character. Sadly over the years, l feel that our reputation has suffered an unwanted change because of a laxness in some that have been initiated into our great fraternity who seem to frequently forget their obligations. Let us join together in ensuring that our generation rights this wrong by practicing faithfully a sincere effort to make ourselves PURE:
P– Purge yourself of all the vices and superfluities of life so that your character can better be fitted for that spiritual house not made with hands eternal in the heavens.
U– Under no circumstance allow your integrity to be compromised.
R– Restrain yourself from exhibiting behavior that is unbecoming to a person who was created by a Holy God.
E– Exemplify light wherever you go and whatever you do so that others see a quality in you to be imitated, not avoided.
In other words, my brethren, let us all strive to be true MASONS!
Fraternally submitted,
M. Keith Ballard, SGD
Grand Lodge of Mississippi, F&AM