Senior Grand Deacon
“It doesn’t matter what other people think.”
Have you ever given any thought to this statement? Most of us have thought it or probably even said it!
I would beg to differ with this statement. It matters very much what others think of us because this is the way we build our reputations.
As you go about your everyday life, what do others see? Do they see kindness, patience, and a desire to live a good clean moral life?
Our society in general has become a turbulent sea of immorality and selfishness. When one is in turbulent waters he or she is searching for a place to place their feet on something solid so they can rise out of the turbulence of the waters.
If a solid rock should appear this is what they need to lift themselves out of the chaos of the waters.
I submit to you that as a fraternity of Masons, we should individually and collectively be that solid rock.
So, my brethren, are you willing to join me in taking care that we guard our reputation so we can be the example of the solid rock?…the calm within the storm?
This society we live in needs good moral examples now more than ever and if you will remember your obligations, you should realize that it is YOUR DUTY to be that example.
Fraternally submitted,
M. Keith Ballard, Sr. Grand Deacon
Grand Lodge of Mississippi