Grand Master
This week I had the incredible misfortune of being stuck at an airport waiting four hours to catch at flight home. Four hours, that is a lot of time to sit there and do noting. Just exactly how many times can you walk up and down an airport terminal and go through the same airport gift shop without losing your mind? While sitting there, bored, I came across something that I have never paid any attention to.
I am not someone that is scared of technology, but I am a long way from a tech-geek. I have had a Facebook account for less than seven years. I only opened one then because my Lodge had decided to use it as a tool to help communicate with our members. “Practical” things like email, banking, and accounting have been done on my computer for as long as I can remember.
While sitting there watching our Grand Secretary’s YouTube channel, “What is a Mason” I decided to browse through the possible Masonic related podcasts. Where have I been? These are fantastic. I quickly downloaded one, and then another. Before I realized it I had eight hours worth of listening at my disposal.
I quit watching the news months ago. I was tired of every time I turned on the television someone telling me how I should think. I have always been an independent thinker, and what I heard when I watched was either half-truths or flat out lies. The local radio station is quickly getting just as bad. These podcasts fit my needs perfectly. Most of what I was hearing was Brothers having discussion on Masonic related topics, always being very clear that this was only their opinion.
I learned about “Masonic Camp” in Ohio, where Brothers would get together at a State Park for a weekend and practice Masonry. I don’t mean the kind of Masonry most of us know. The practice of meeting once a month voting to pay bills and read the minutes is not what Masonry is or ever should be. This Brothers practices ritual, had guest speakers, discussing self improvement, made lifelong friendships, renewed old ones, and learned new ways to improve their Lodges.
I listened to four Brother discuss the possibility of someone needing to “divorce” their Lodge, and the different reasons someone would need to and should. How every Lodge is as different as the men that make it, and sometimes personalities don’t fit.
I listened to the Junior Grand Warden from Maryland describe the different ways his jurisdictions does things. The requirements their Brothers must meet before holding certain offices and the structure of his Grand Lodge were very interesting to me.
Some ideas I loved, others not so much. Most of what I heard was Brothers discussing topics similar to the way my Lodge Brothers do before or after our meetings. When we visit other Lodges we learn new things. These podcasts are a way for us to sit in on their discussions and possibly learn a few new things. I did.
I have included a list of a few of my new favorites below. If you have some you can recommend, please do so in the comments. Thank you to these Brothers for the enlightenment.
“What is a Mason”
“The Masonic Roundtable”
“The Winding Stairs”
“The Tyler’s Place”
Jason Jefcoat, Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Mississippi F&AM