Senior Grand Deacon
Ask yourself this question: CAN l make a difference? The answer to this question is YES YOU CAN!
We are all involved in many activities during the course of each day, week, month, and year. It is very possible that you, alone, CAN make a difference at home, work, church, around friends and acquaintances, or even in your Masonic Lodge.
How can l, by myself make a difference? How can you, by yourself, make a difference?
Whether or not you realize it, someone is watching you. Your reactions to different situations are being observed by someone. You may not even be aware of who is watching, but you are exerting an influence on someone with every word and deed that you perform. To make a difference you CAN govern yourself and your actions in such a way as to be a positive example to those around you.
In other words, you CAN circumscribe yourself within a circle and not allow your passions or prejudices to betray you or go beyond the boundaries of the circle.
Next question: HAVE you made a difference? If not…why not? The answer to this question lies within your control.
Draw your circle and get started!
Fraternally submitted,
M. Keith Ballard, Senior Grand Deacon
Grand Lodge of Mississippi F&AM