Senior Grand Deacon
With all the discussion about “raising dues”, let us consider the question:
How much is my Masonry worth to me?
For two people to go all out and enjoy an all you can eat buffet costs range anywhere between $50 – $100.
Now let us think about the benefits of this; It tastes good, it sustains us physically, probably some enjoyable fellowship and conversation…that is about all of it!
However, within the period of 72 hours it has probably already “returned to enrich our mother earth” (pun intended).
How much more valuable are the lessons we are taught through our Masonic Lodges!. They are not temporal but have potentially eternal benefits (with good fellowship and conversation).
So l ask you…what is your choice and where do your priorities lie? A question that each of us must answer for ourselves.
Fraternally submitted,
M. Keith Ballard, SGD
Grand Lodge of Mississippi F&AM