Grand Master
To the Brethren of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Mississippi,
With the current news on the spread of the COVID-19 virus, it is the recommendation of the Grand Master of Masons of Mississippi, M:.W:. Harold Norton, and the Grand Lecturer, M:.W:. Jason Jefcoat PGM, that for the next thirty (30) days all Brethren sixty-five years of age and older not attend any Masonic Lodge functions. It is further advised that anyone who has any underlying health issues: diabetes, heart disease, any lung problems, or who is receiving cancer treatments or recovering from surgery not attend Lodge for the next thirty days. All Deputy Schools for the next thirty days are also being canceled.
This may be an extreme reaction, but we feel that the health and welfare of our Brethren is worth any perceived overreaction. Any Lodge that is not able to or chooses not to have their Stated Communications for the next thirty days will be given dispensation to cancel, and Worshipful Masters and Wardens will be allowed to approve any regular monthly bills over the telephone. Click here for the updated schedule of schools. The schedule is subject to further changes should circumstances warrant.
Brethren, thank you for your understanding and may God bless you and your families.
Harold Norton, Most Worshipful Grand Master and Jason Jefcoat, Grand Lecturer,
Grand Lodge of MS, F&AM