Greetings Brethren,

Grand Chaplain
John 14: 1, Jesus says, “Let not your hearts be troubled; ye
believe in God, believe also in Me.”
Once again, in this same chapter verse 27, Jesus says again,
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, giveth I unto you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
Friends, I don’t have answers as to what’s happening in our world today, but God instructs us to watch and pray. If He hasn’t got your attention yet, maybe, we all need to be on our knees, praying.
When Jesus rode into the city, the people shouted “Hosanna, Blessed
is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna!!!”. Our Savoir and
King has come.
I once read a story about a little boy and girl who were playing
checkers one evening after practicing for the Easter Pageant. As the
little boy moved his checker piece into the opposite corner, he ordered
his sister, “crown me, king of kings!” That’s really how many of us
live our lives today. Oh, we’d never say it out loud, but we want to
wear the crown and rule our own world.
Even the disciples argued as to who would sit next to Jesus. Just
like little children, I want to be first. There are many instances in
God’s word, as to where we need to be, in our relationship with the
Jesus showed us in the week prior to his crucifixion what we must
do. As the disciples were arguing, He took a towel, wrapped it around
his waist, and knelt down and washed the feet of each one. At that
moment, He showed them compassion and concern. He told them what
they must do to learn about sacrifice, greatness and humility. Jesus
did all this because He loved us, and still does.
We find once again when Jesus went to the garden and prayed. He
interceded on our behalf, along with his our plea, as He prayed, “Father,
if it be Thy will, let the cup pass from me.”
I’m reminded of an old hymn I grew up singing, “Neath the old olive
trees, Neath the old olive trees, went my Savior alone on his knees. Not
my will, Thine be done, cried the Father’s own Son.”
Once again I reminded too, of another old hymn. ” Are ye able,”
said the Master, “To be crucified with me. Are ye able, still the
Master, whispers down eternity, and heroic spirits answer, now as then
in Galilee. Lord, we are able, our spirits are Thine, Remold them, make
us. Like Thee Divine. Thy guiding radiance, above us shall be, a beacon
to God, to love and loyalty.”
We must let our light shine, that it might be a beacon. To make it
shine brighter, we must show brotherly love and compassion, with a
humble spirit. God is real and “HE IS ALIVE!!!!!”
Go forth and remember, ” In All Things, Give Thanks.”
Randle Hall, Grand Chaplain
Grand Lodge of MS, F&AM