The Education Committee of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, F. & A. M. has produced and published multiple educational and informational products for members and the public over the years, primarily in print. Now, not only is previous educational material being updated and published in an easy-to-access PDF format, but new material is being published as well!
Members are free to share these documents with friends and family, as well as to use them for personal study or Lodge Education discussions.
Here are some of the current offerings (Click on the Headers to download or print the PDF):
Lodge & Member Education
This is a PDF version of the 31st Edition Blue Lodge Text Book. In it, you will find the exact same ritual you are familiar with, as well as updated illustrations, the return of illustrations used in earlier editions of the text book, and more. The Table of Contents is linked – just tap the text to be sent to that page!
Blue Lodge Ritual Reference Guide
This is the PDF version of the Blue Lodge Ritual Reference Guide, the hardback book that came out in 2021. Hardbound copies can be ordered from the Grand Secretary’s Office via email, secretary@msgrandlodge.org, or by phone
Lodge Series of Masonic Education
The Lodge System of Masonic Education was developed to assist the Local Lodge in preparing the Candidate for his new duties and privileges that he might become inspired with the spirit of Freemasonry and that he might understand its purposes and ideals.
The Lodge System of Masonic Education takes in every Candidate, automatically and without exception; and, second, it is an enterprise of the local Lodge’s own proper work.
Lodge Education Guides – Volume 1
A collection of 12 educational topics suitable for discussion within the lodge. This document alone can guide your Lodge Education efforts at your Stated Communications for an entire calendar year! What do the colors in Freemasonry mean? What was the Tun Tavern? What is Lodge Etiquette? These guides help you lead your lodge through a discussion of these items, and more! Be sure to review the “How to use the Lodge Discussion Guides” segment included in this document.
Ritual Vocabulary and Glossary
The included compilation of definitions, terms, and words has been produced by the Grand Lodge of Mississippi Education Committee for the benefit of the Brethren in attaining a deeper meaning of the Ritual by gaining an understanding of the words spoken.
This guide is provided to assist Mississippi Freemasons in the practice of a customary code of polite behavior. In one reference it is stated that if we practice proper etiquette, “you are less likely to offend or annoy people—and you may even charm them.“ Making proper Masonic etiquette part of one’s daily habit also ensures that, when we meet our common man outside of the Lodge, we exemplify the most esteemed character traits possible.
Officer & Committee Education
Subordinate Lodge Investigation Committee Form
This form is intended to be used as a sort of “cheat sheet” for a Subordinate Lodge Investigating Committee, a type of “Quick Start Guide” or Checklist to assist the Investigating Committee. It is provided and endorsed by the Education Committee; but, is NOT mandatory for the Local Lodge to download, print, and use.
Subordinate Lodge Investigation Committee Educational Resource Guide
This file contains an detailed educational guide on the purpose and mechanics of the Investigating Committee and should be reviewed by all Committee members prior to speaking with a candidate. This guide is geared toward teaching Masons how to be “Guardians of the West Gate.”
Updated and revamped – the Lodge Officer’s Guidebook provides information to the up-and-coming Lodge Officer, as well as serving as a great reference guide to current Officers.
District Deputy Grand Lecturer Resource Guide
If you have been appointed and commissioned by the Most Worshipful Grand Lecturer to serve your district as its District Deputy Grand Lecturer, you will find that this position is one of utmost importance in assisting the dissemination of the Adopted Work and Lecturers throughout our Grand Jurisdiction. It should be the mission of every District Deputy Grand Lecturer is assist the Grand Lodge of
Mississippi, F. & A.M., in creating and continuing to develop a fraternal environment which fosters and
inspires strong Lodges, and individuals, to inculcate the principles of the Masonic fraternity in their daily
lives, as taught through our Adopted Work and Lecturers. To fulfil this mission, you have been
recommended, and appointed to observe, teach and report on the finding within your district. This
pamphlet/booklet has been prepared to assist you in those efforts
This manual has been prepared with the hope that it may be of the aid and assistance to the Craft in the discharge of one of the most onerous, but nevertheless, one of the most important duties of Masons – the administration of Masonic Justice. As Masons we are taught that truth is the foundation of every virtue and that justice is the standard by which every man is rendered his just due without distinction.
This publication is designed to provide information and education on better practices for the the Audit Committee, including the types of information to be reviewed and the processes. A review of this information will help ensure the local Lodge’s continued existence by having information available as a tool to protect the Lodge’s financial resources.
Freemasonry Miscellany
What You Can Discuss About Masonry With A Non-Mason
The title says it all! If you ever wondered how much of Freemasonry really is a secret, then this is the publication for you!
This tri-fold publication is a great publication for the general public, or a potential petitioner for the degrees. Hand it out to a friend, put it out on a table at your next fundraiser, or use it to brush up so you can answer the questions someone might ask you! (Click here for help with double-sided printing)
This document discusses what Freemasonry is by discussing where it came from, what ideals it holds, and what actions it performs.
This document discusses what it means to a member to have his Masonic Membership Card.
This tri-fold publication speaks to many of the typical topics people think about when they wonder what Freemasonry is all about, and what secrets we hold. (Click here for help with double-sided printing)