Sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Mississippi F. & A. M. Education Committee and the Mississippi Lodge of Research and Education DCXL
Continuing to recognize the need to prepare a core group of leaders for Freemasonry, the Education Committee and Mississippi Lodge of Research and Education DCXL are providing this current version of leadership training to a select number of Masons in 2023. The individuals attending will be better prepared to move into leadership positions within both the local and state level of our Fraternity. For those who have had leadership training in other venues, this training and education will allow you to continue to hone those leadership skills already acquired in prior offerings.
Leadership is a visionary means for effecting change. While much of the material is generally applicable, the addition of Masonic references and information makes it extremely applicable to the Craft. Designed to integrate solid leadership and communication skills, with a special emphasis on Masonic teaching, the program promotes classroom interaction and participation, cross culturalization, and development of personal relationships upon which to build a bright future for our Mississippi Fraternity.
The 2023 Emerging Leaders Program is open to all Master Masons in good standing and amity with the Grand Lodge of Mississippi F. & A. M. The training will consist of two components, both an in-person and a virtual education session. The in-person training will be at one of four (4) locations across the Grand Jurisdiction, and the virtual education component will consist of attendance at a ZOOM meeting. The live online ZOOM training will be offered on two (2) different occasions. The blended training will require both activities to be attended and successfully completed.
Click to Register
- May 27, 2023, Grenada No. 31, Grenada, MS.
- July 8, 2023, at Meridian Masonic Temple, Meridian, MS.
- July 22, 2023, at Gulf Coast Masonic Center, Gulfport, MS.
- August 12, 2023, at Mississippi Lodge of Research and Education No. 640, Jackson, MS at the Jackson York Rite Bodies building. I-55 South.
In Person Training: The Leadership Conference schedule is 8:30 am until 3:00 pm. Registration is $50.00 and includes lunch. Early bird registration by May 15th will result in a $5.00 cash refund at the event. (We will not have the ability to provide for any dietary restrictions)
Virtual Training: The ZOOM virtual meeting will require a separate registration to ensure that only qualified and registered attendees are allowed into the training. The ZOOM registration will be sent to only registered attendees of one of the four in person trainings.
The required virtual training component of the 2023 Emerging Leaders Program includes a review of the Lodge Officer duties and responsibilities, strategic planning, building an annual budget, conducting a Lodge audit, Masonic etiquette, etc.
About the Instructor:
John L. Palmer is Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in Tennessee. A native Tennessean, MWB Palmer served the Grand Lodge of Masons in Tennessee as Most Worshipful Grand Master in 1997, and as Grand Secretary from 2005 until 2007. He served on the Commission for Information and Recognition of the Grand Masters Conference of North America, chairing the commission in 2002, and has served on the board of directors of the George Washington Masonic Memorial. Additional service includes the Board of Directors of the Masonic Information Center of the Masonic Services Association. He is a founding fellow of The Masonic Society and served as Chief Adept of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis in Tennessee. He served from 2008 until 2022 as Managing Editor of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar U.S.A. monthly magazine.
He is a holder of the Knights Templar Cross of Honor, a Knight Commander of the Temple, a 33° Inspector General Honorary, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and a KYGCH. He is an active member of the DeMolay Legion of Honor in Tennessee and holds the Order of the Purple Cross in the York Rite.
Brother Palmer holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University and is retired from both BellSouth and Electronic Data Systems, where he was the Director of Special Projects for a major outsourcing account with a diverse background in management.
John and Glenda, his wife of over fifty years, have one grown son, Lawrence, and reside in the small town of Nolensville, Tennessee, a short distance south of Nashville.
Please share this information with your Lodge Members and help us promote this important event.
Sincerely and Fraternally;
Stephen Yon
Most Worshipful Grand Master (2023)
Education Committee Members/Aides
Kenny McGill, PM
BJ Barfield, PM, DDGL
Leland Lou, MD, PM
Kenneth Willingham, PM, DDGL
Chris Holzinger, PM, Aide
Andrew Martin, MD, PM, Aide
Brad Witt, PM, Aide
Lane Dossett, Esq, MLORE-Aide
Scott Womack, PM, WM, MLORE640
Jeremey Watkins, PM, SW, MLORE640
Josh Smith, PM, JW, MLORE640
Terry McLeod, PM, FMR, Education Comm/and Sec. MLORE640
For more information on items not contained in this message, please contact the MLORE Secretary at secretaryMLORE640@gmail.com
Program Resources for Faculty and Committee Members
Click HERE to view the administrative resources for the program. Please contact Terry McLeod for access.