Grand Master
On November 4, 1752, George Washington took his first obligation as a new Mason at Fredericksburg Lodge #4, Fredericksburg, Virginia. March 3, 1753 Brother Washington was passed to the degree of FC, and was raised a MM on August 4 of the same year. Brethren, we have the opportunity to have the actual Bible Brother Washington was obligated on at our Annual Grand Communication this March.
Fredericksburg Lodge takes the Bible to various venues as a fundraiser to support the preservation of this Holy Book. Your Grand Lodge Officers are attempting to raise donations for this purpose. This will cover the expenses the Lodge charges for this opportunity.
Will you be willing to make a donation for this purpose?
Would you ask the Brothers of your Lodge for the opportunity to pass the hat?
This is a tremendous opportunity for the average Brother to see a uniquely Masonic piece of our history. If this is something you are willing to support, please talk to your Lodge Brothers and send any donations to the Grand Lodge Office marked “GW Masonic Bible” to:
Grand Lodge of Mississippi F&AM
P.O. Box 1030
Meridian, MS 39302
Thank you for your consideration,
Jason Jefcoat, Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Mississippi