Grand Lodge Committees are members of the Craft that are dedicated to helping the Grand Master and Brethren throughout the state with defining issues that pertain to the Grand Lodge of Mississippi.
Each Committee has a Chair and several Brothers and/or supporting staff working extremely hard to provide everyone with fair and accurate information on a multitude of issues.
The current Grand Lodge Committees are:
Building Committee
The Building Committee approves the design and construction of new Lodge Halls throughout the Jurisdiction. A Chairman is designated and each member of the committee is appointed annually by the Grand Master.

M∴W∴ James A. Forbus, PGM
Northern District Chairman

M∴W∴ Danny O. Alexander, PGM
Central District

R∴W∴ Billy W. Sloan
Southern District
Complaints and Appeals Committee
The Complaints and Appeals Committee administers and arbitrates all disputes or allegations of un-Masonic conduct throughout the Jurisdiction. A Chairman is designated and one member of the committee is appointed for a three year term by the Grand Master each year. Term ending years are indicated in parenthesis.

M∴W∴ Harold Norton, SGW

W∴ Stacy Pepper

W∴ Rhett Armistead
The Credentials Committee monitors the entrance to the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge and examines the Masonic credentials of all those wishing to enter. A Chairman is designated and one member of the committee is appointed for a three year term by the Grand Master each year. Term ending years are indicated in parenthesis.

W∴ Jeff Gardner

W∴ Tom Gardner
(Member 2022)

W∴ Lyndal Kay Watkins
(Member 2020)
Custodians of the Work
The Custodians of the Work actively ensure the preservation of the ritual work practiced throughout the Jurisdiction. The Grand Lecturer serves as Chairman and one Custodian is appointed for a three year term by the Grand Master each year. Term ending years are indicated in parenthesis.

R∴W∴ Danny Olan Alexander, PGM

R∴W∴ Bobby Ainsworth, PGM

R∴W∴ James Forbus, PGM

R∴W∴ Fred Bean, PGM
Education Committee
The Education Committee formulates booklets, pamphlets and other materials for the furtherance of Masonic education and awareness. A Chairman is designated and one member of the committee is appointed for a three year term by the Grand Master each year. Term ending years are indicated in parenthesis.

W∴ Stephen Bush, DDGL
Chairman (Member 2022)

W∴ Tyler Blalock, DDGL
(Member 2023)

W∴ William Terry McLeod
(Member 2023)

W∴ Jerry Klein
(Member 2020)

W∴ Ried Quarles

M∴W∴ Lonnie Rayborn, GT
(Member 2021)
Endowment Committee
The Endowment Committee labors to endow the Grand Lodge of Mississippi through charitable donations and various fund-raisers. A Chairman is designated and each member of the committee is appointed annually by the Grand Master.

W∴ Lamar Douglas

W∴ Willie Shane White

W∴ Richard C. Clifton, III
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee formulates and implements the annual budget of the Grand Lodge. A Chairman is designated and one member of the committee is appointed for a three year term by the Grand Master each year. Term ending years are indicated in parenthesis.

R∴W∴ Kenneth E. Dyer, PGM
Chairman (Member 2021)

M∴W∴ Jerry Weaver, DDGL
(Member 2020)

W∴ Jerry Reeves
(Member 2022)
Fraternal Correspondence
The Fraternal Correspondent monitors and reports on matters of interest in other Masonic Jurisdictions. The Fraternal Correspondent is appointed by the Grand Master each year.
W∴ Ried Quarles
Fraternal Relations Committee
The Fraternal Relations Committee monitors the recognition status of other Jurisdictions, to ensure that the Grand Lodge of Mississippi is in accord with legitimate Masonic Grand Lodges. A Chairman is designated and one member of the committee is appointed for a three year term by the Grand Master each year. Term ending years are indicated in parenthesis.

W∴ Danny Fisher
(Member 2022)

R∴W∴ Jiles Grice, GC
(Member 2020)

W∴ Frederic Stephens
(Member 2021)
Grand Librarian

W∴ Jared Stanley
Grand Lodge Foundation Committee

M∴W∴ Thomas L. Cumberland

M∴W∴ Jason Jefcoat
Grand Master

R∴W∴ Harold Norton

M∴W∴ Ken Dyer
Finance Committee Chairman

R∴W∴ Micky McMahan
Grand Treasurer

R∴W∴ Tom Jones
Grand Secretary

M∴W∴ Bobby Ainsworth
Member (2022)

W∴ Jerry Lewis
Member (2023)

M∴W∴ Homer E. Sullivan, Jr.
Member (2021)

M∴W∴ Edward Rhodes
Member (2020)

R∴W∴ Jimmie L. Windham
Member (2022)
Grand Lodge Photographers

W∴ Melvin Ford, III
Northern Region

W∴ Frank Brewer, DDGL
Southern Region
Internet Committee

W∴ Jared Stanley

W∴ Ricky Stevens

W∴ Michael Baker
Investment Advisory Committee

R∴W∴ Micky McMahan
Grand Treasurer

R∴W∴ Tom Jones
Grand Secretary

W∴ Jerry E. Weaver
Member (2020)

Bro∴ Mark T. Saxon
Member (2019)

Terry F. Lewis
Member (2021)
Jurisprudence Committee
The Jurisprudence Committee maintains the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Lodge and acts in an advisory capacity on rendering interpretations of those laws. A Chairman is designated and one member of the committee is appointed for a three year term by the Grand Master each year. Term ending years are indicated in parenthesis.

W∴ Gary B. Jones, esquire
Chairman (Member 2021)

R∴W∴ Jerry Lee Lewis
Junior Grand Deacon
(Member 2020)

W∴ Robert Lane Dossett, esquire
(Member 2022)
Perpetual Membership Committee
The Perpetual Membership Committee oversees the Perpetual Membership program, whereby a Mason may purchase a Life Membership. A Chairman is designated and one member of the committee is appointed for a three year term by the Grand Master each year. Term ending years are indicated in parenthesis.

M∴W∴ Kenneth E. Dyer, PGM
Chairman (Member 2021)

Bro. Jordan K. Miller
(Member 2022)

W∴ William J. Goff
(Member 2020)
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee administers the Scholarship Program, whereby eligible high school seniors may apply for limited financial assistance with college tuition. A Chairman is designated and each member of the committee is appointed annually by the Grand Master.

M∴W∴ Danny Alexander, PGM

R∴W∴ Jiles K. Grice

Bro. Fred M. Brashier
(Member 2022)
Ten-Year Planning Committee

M∴W∴ Jason A. Jefcoat
Grand Master

R∴W∴ James Harold Norton
Senior Grand Warden

R∴W∴ Randy Wade Glover
Junior Grand Warden

R∴W∴ Thomas L. Cumberland
Past Grand Master

William Terry McLeod
Member (2020)

Terry Frank Lewis
Member (2021)

Brother James M. (Sonny) Howard
Member (2022)
VA Representatives
The VA Representatives are selected by the Masonic Service Association in Maryland, to visit Masons in the Veteran’s Administration hospital system.

W∴ Maurice A. Root, II
W∴ Douglas W. Trovato
The Webmaster designs and maintains the website of the Grand Lodge in coordination with the Internet Committee.