As Masons we are told to walk uprightly and to conduct ourselves properly at all times.
This obligation does not end at our keyboards. Some Masons who would never dream of using foul language in Lodge or in Church seem to think nothing of posting vulgar or offensive words or photos to social media. Some of these Masons even use the Square and Compasses as their profile pictures!
Please stop and think before you post or share. Ask yourself, is this something I would want my mother, wife, or daughter to see? Are these words or images ones I would want repeated or displayed in my lodge? Is this the example of Freemasonry I want to set for the world? And remember, the internet is forever. Once posted, those words or pictures never go completely away.
As Masons we are also instructed to give a quiet word of advice or correction to our brothers if needed. Again, that obligation does not end at the keyboard. Let’s make a point to ask each other, “Brother, did you really mean to post that? Are you sure that’s something that should be associated with the S&C on your page?”
Let’s think before we post, and keep an eye on our Brothers.
Be the Example.
Ricky Stevens, Internet Committee
Grand Lodge of Mississippi