Grand Master
Greetings Brethren,
Since March 15th I have recommended that our Lodges stay within the Guidelines set by our Governor. I appreciate our members honoring this recommendation.
Our Governor has issued new guidelines starting June 1st. The Lodges that feel safe can meet, and the ones that do not feel safe will not be required to meet.
Some Lodges are wanting to start Conferring Degrees. I sincerely hope that we can proceed with caution as this virus is not over with. I would ask all Officers, the Candidate, and anyone working in a degree to wear a mask and gloves when they cannot practice social distancing.
However, this is only a recommendation not a requirement.
For the Lodges that do not feel safe to meet yet, there will be a blanket dispensation issued for the Month of June. Look for this dispensation to be available on Grand View, as well as emailed to Lodge Officers.
Further, to extend the time line provided for in §17-5.5 of the Williams Digest, and extend the six month window for Initiating a Candidate by a time equal to the number of months the Lodge did not meet due to COVID-19.
Click here to download a copy of the dispensation.
J. Harold Norton, Grand Master
The Grand Lodge of Mississippi, F. & A. M.