The Lodge System of Masonic Education was developed to assist the Local Lodge in preparing the Candidate for his new duties and privileges that he might become inspired with the spirit of Freemasonry and that he might understand its purposes and ideals.
It is a challenging task for even the most studious of men to engage upon without a roadmap to success.
It is too much to expect of any man that without guidance he shall be able to make himself at home in such a fraternity.
He has a right to expect that the local Lodge itself shall give him much of the information he needs.
It is because so many Brethren never receive this information, and are permitted to come – and perhaps go – undirected and uninstructed, that they either cease attending Lodge at all, or, too often undertake an active part.
The Lodge System of Masonic Education takes in every Candidate, automatically and without exception; and, second, it is an enterprise of the local Lodge’s own proper work.
It is not only the Candidate who profits by this. The local Lodge itself is strengthened from having new members who, from the very beginning, are able to take a part in its activities; who are more likely to become regular attendants; and who can most quickly grasp the aim and purpose of the Lodge’s endeavors. They come in already prepared for work, and the Master has a larger staff of trained members to work with as a result.
The following Booklets comprise the entire Lodge System of Masonic Education:
- Instructions for the Lodge
- Pre-Initiation Instruction to the Candidate
- Entered Apprentice Instruction to the Candidate
- Fellow Craft Instruction to the Candidate
- Master Mason Instruction to the Candidate
Please download and print these booklets, keep them in a three-ring binder in the Lodge Hall, and simply follow the instructions in the “Instruction Booklet” to implement this Program at your Local Lodge.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please contact the Education Committee.