As you may already know, Governor Tate Reeves has issued a Shelter-in-Place order for all of Mississippi. As that Freemasons are to be peaceful citizens, I trust in you, as a Mason, to comply with all of the orders and recommendations that have been set out. My current Dispensation permitting you to cancel your Stated Communication already covers the timeframe of the Governor’s orders. Should the situation develop further, I will act accordingly and ensure you are advised.
I urge all of you to not see this as a time away from Lodge, but as an opportunity to reach out to Brethren in other ways. While numerous technologies exist for you to use, do not forget to just pick up the phone and contact a Brother, Widow, or Orphan. I am sure they will be grateful.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
J. Harold Norton, Grand Master
Grand Lodge of MS, F&AM