PLEASE NOTE: All Funds Donated for this purpose should be sent to MSANA, not the Grand Lodge. MSANA will send 100% of funds raised to us, but filtering the donations through them helps us keep track of the donations and their intended use.
November 23, 2020
Mississippi Disaster Relief Appeal
Mississippi has experienced a tremendous amount of damage and destruction due to Hurricane Zeta. There were 4 Lodge Buildings housing 5 Lodges that are damaged. These Lodges are home to 501 Master Masons, and many have damage to their homes.
Grand Master J Harold Norton has requested the Masonic Service Association of North America (MSA) to issue this Disaster Relief Appeal.
Please forward any donations you feel appropriate to help our devastated Brothers and their families in this stricken jurisdiction to MSA.
Please make checks payable to MSA Disaster Relief Appeal and send to:
Masonic Service Association
813 1st Avenue SE, Suite 357
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
When remitting by check, please clearly mark that you wish the funds to go to the Mississippi Disaster Relief Appeal.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Craig L. Davis, PGM