Senior Grand Deacon
The moon appears to us to change size and shape throughout each month, but we all know that it is actually the same size and shape all the time.
This perceived difference in shape and size is caused by the amount of sunlight reflected by the moon according to our vantage point on the earth.
Very similarly, the amount of light that we reflect toward others depends on how we are facing our source of light.
The more we keep our face and focus on the LIGHT, the more we reflect that light to those around us. What is this light, you may ask?
It is the inestimable gift of God to man….
The Holy Bible, God’s own words to you and me….
Just something to think about….study the Word of God….it is our instruction book for how to live our lives, sent to us by our Great Creator.
Fraternally submitted,
M. Keith Ballard, Senior Grand Deacon
Grand Lodge of Mississippi