Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas Cumberland wishes to remind all Masons who will be attending the 201st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi (March 14-16, 2019) of the provisions of Section 5-1.1 of the Williams Digest.
This section, entitled “SHALL APPEAR CLOTHED MASONICALLY”, stipulates that all officers and members of the Grand Lodge, as well as their Representatives and Proxies, shall appear clothed Masonically (wearing a masonic apron), and that any appropriate jewels of office shall be worn. Please Click Here to review the exact wording in the Williams Digest.
Brethren should be prepared by bringing their own apron or one from their lodge. Aprons will not be provided at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication. Aprons worn need not be officer aprons. Your office is identified by your jewel, not your apron. Plain white aprons, personal aprons, and officer aprons are all acceptable for wear.
Further, all are reminded that a letter has previously been sent to each lodge expressing the minimum dress requirements for attending the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. For questions, please see your lodge Secretary and inquire about this letter. In general, it is expected that you will be wearing business attire. While suits are common, pants and a shirt with sleeves and a collar are the minimum dress code.
Finally, please take note that the Grand Master’s Banquet, held on Thursday evening, will be Coat & Tie – it will not be formal (tuxedo).
Thank you all, and see you at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi.