Senior Grand Deacon
Whether it be a do it yourself project, a major construction undertaking, or just a small carpentry job, it doesn’t take long to learn the valuable lesson of “measure twice, cut once”. This is an important lesson to learn in being more efficient and insuring that not as many mistakes are made.
This can also be applied to our every day lives by realizing that careful consideration should be taken before we speak. Speaking is the most common form of communication between people. Careful consideration should be taken to measure in our consciousness how the spoken word will be interpreted by those to whom we are speaking. “Consider twice, speak once”.
Our organization places a great emphasis on Brotherly Love, therefore, it is our duty to be more discerning and caring when speaking to all others, more especially to a brother mason.
The old adage, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me is NOT NECESSARILY TRUE! We should all realize the fact that once words are spoken they can be forgiven, but they will seldom be forgotten. If care is taken to think carefully before we speak the necessity to “forgive and forget” can be avoided. This one small effort on our part will help the “honor, glory, and reputation of our Institution be firmly established and the world at large convinced of its good effects.”
Fraternally submitted,
M. Keith Ballard
Senior Grand Deacon, Grand Lodge of MS