Senior Grand Deacon
Did you know that a F&AM Masonic Lodge in Mississippi cannot open without the Holy Word of God, The Holy Bible, open on its Altar?
That is due to the fact that as Masons we believe that the Holy Bible is the Inspired Word of God sent to us by The ONLY Grand Master of the Universe to instruct us with Light coming directly to us from His Word.
His Word is full of Light, Love, and Instruction to teach us how to live our lives in an acceptable manner according to His Holy Precepts. We, as a Brotherhood of Masons believe that because He is the Great Architect of the Universe (The Great Being who Designed and Created ALL things), He is the ONLY ONE qualified to tell us the manner in which we should live our lives. This is what we believe as brethren of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi F&AM (Free and Accepted Masons).

What do YOU believe?
Fraternally Submitted,
M. Keith Ballard, Senior Grand Deacon
Grand Lodge of Mississippi F&AM