State Master Councilor
As a member of DeMolay since the age of 13 I have met young men of different ages.
Most never have heard of me nor I them, but it was like we had known each other our whole lives. As a State Officer, I got to go to International where I met many brothers from other states and countries. Even there, everyone was like family. I am now a Master Mason which means I gained a whole new brotherhood of men from all over the world.
But what does all that mean, family and brotherhood?
It means you will never be alone in life if you need someone to talk to, or someone who will help you become a better person.
Sometimes we all need that brother to hold us accountable for what we do. If we are not presenting ourselves as a Mason, we should have someone who will help correct us in a brotherly love way. This will help us to live better and leave the world better than we found it.
Sometimes we just need that time together to fellowship and bond doing our ritualistic work and usually with lots of food. (Every Mason loves that part.)
Brotherly love means to love like Jesus loved the ones that mocked him .
Respectfully submitted with love,
Austin Barfield, State Master Councilor
Order Of DeMolay